The images above, are all from projectors that earned an award this year. If they were good at everything, they wouldn't be "entry level." (OK, that was obvious.) But because they are entry level projectors, expect some to be very good at somethings, but then, not so good at others. Since all the projectors in the under $1000 class are inherently significant compromises in performance, compared to the $1000 - $2000, and especially to the $2000 - $3500 and higher categories, consider them Entry Level. Instead of just 3 Classes, we added a fourth, and also a special category. We don't consider them viable as serious "4K capable". Three other projectors can handle limited 4K, such as photos you take, but are not equipped to handle the new copy protection schemes used by 4K content, namely something called HDCP (HD copy protection) Version 2.0. I should mention that in addition to three Sony true 4K projectors one other projector now shipping can input commercial 4K content, including the imminent release of the 4K Blu-Ray UHD. The sooner that happens, the sooner the price of 4K projectors will come down to where most of us can afford one. Perhaps this coming fall - CEDIA is in Dallas - in mid-October, we'll see some additional 4K competition. Speaking of 4K projectors, just as was the case last year, the only 4K projectors in this year's report are from Sony.
Best projector for outdoor movies 2015 720p#
This year's report (as with previous ones) does not look at the lower cost (typically under $700) 720p projectors, but it does now include 4K projectors.
Best projector for outdoor movies 2015 1080p#
BTW I often speak of this as the 1080p Projector Report, which is what it was called a few years back. I reported last year that there weren't as many new projectors as usual, well that was followed by this last year, with fewer still. The current year’s projector “season” started last September with announcements of new products at the annual CEDIA show in the US, and IFA in Europe. Consider that JVC, Panasonic, and Sony, to name three, still are selling some projectors that were in our 2013 report. And believe me, they sure are not hard to find. It's a good thing we are considering those projectors from previous years that are still current. Why you ask? Simply stated, there weren't that many new projectors launched going back to the fall of 2014 and the CEDIA show. In selecting our category winners – Best in Class awards, and specialty awards, 2015 proved to be a bigger challenge than normal.