The objective of current study was to evaluate the use of DBS samples to detect HSV-2 antibodies using commercial ELISA and Western blot tests. HSV-2 is the main cause of genital ulcers and is diagnosed mainly with serological tests. Immunomorphologic techniques have been useful adjuvant methods for both the diagnosis and the differentiation of HSV and VZV infections. Background and aims: Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) is a sexually transmitted agent and is detected worldwide. The fluorescent antibody to membrane antigen test and viral tissue culture have been the principal methods for diagnosing VZV infection. The gold standard for establishing the diagnosis of HSV infection has been the viral tissue culture. Serologic tests traditionally do not have a major role in the diagnosis of HSV infection yet, new type-specific methods using Western blot assays may be useful for confirming the presence of unrecognized, subclinical HSV2 infections that are presently being underdiagnosed by current procedures. An expedient, slightly more expensive, reliable technique for establishing a HSV infection, yet not able to differentiate the subtype of that infection, is a recently marketed monoclonal antibody-based filtration type enzyme immunoassay (Kodak SureCell Herpes Test Kit). In the office or at the bedside of a hospitalized patient, a positive Tzanck smear preparation is an inexpensive, rapid, and morphologic technique for confirming a suspected diagnosis of a herpesvirus infection. Serologic tests traditionally do not have a major role in the diagnosis of HSV infection yet, new type-specific methods using Western blot assays may be useful for confirming the presence of unrecognized, subclinical HSV2 infections that are presently being underdiagnosed by current procedures. Our Health advisor and Medical team will be involved to guide you in the complete cycle of the testing process and will facilitate the diagnosis process for prevention of any disease.Several laboratory diagnostic methods are available for the diagnosis, differentiation, and subtyping of HSV and VZV infections. Principle Western blotting (protein blotting or immunoblotting) is a rapid and sensitive assay for the detection and characterization of proteins.You can either book on our website or Choose to receive a call back from our Health Advisor.If you do not have obvious symptoms, a blood test can help determine whether you have an infection.
Western blot test for herpes skin#

CRP (C Reactive Protein) Quantitative, Serum.
Western blot test for herpes full#
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